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"Men have no objection to a god who is really no God, a god who shall be the subject of caprice, who shall be a servile follower of their will, who shall be under their control. But a God who speaks and it is done, who commands and it stands fast, a God who does as he will among the armies of heaven and among the inhabitants of this lower world, such a God as this they cannot endure."

- Charles Spurgeon

Current Sermon Series:

1 Corinthians 

(scroll down for audio)

**Live Spanish Translation available during Sunday worship service**

**Traducción en español disponible durante el servicio de los domingos**

Sunday School
(9 am)

Wednesday Night Bible Study (7:30 PM)

"Systematic Theology" by Wayne Grudem (second edition)


Exodus - Steve Sherman

Proverbs - Dennis Sherman

Micah - Dorian Johnson

Men & Women's Fellowship
Fridays at 7:30 PM
(see calendar)

Women: Hebrews
(led by Fiona Greatorex)


Men: Sexual Purity
(led by Pastor Steve Sherman)

Sunday School
(9 am in the library)

Children's Church
(during the sermon)

Preschool-1st: Missionaries (adapted from "Let the Nations Be Glad" by: John Piper)
(ages 2 - 7)

Elementary: Missionaries (adapted from "Let the Nations Be Glad" by: John Piper)
(ages 7 - 13)


Teens: Knowing God by: J. I. Packer

(ages 13 - 18)

Preschool-1st: Answers Bible Curriculum
[Answers in Genesis]
(ages 2-6)

*There is no Children's Church on the 2nd Sunday of the month so parents can train their child in corporate worship.


The Library is also available for those who are training children to worship corporately where the service is livestreamed.

(during sermon)

The Nursery room is available for use during the service for parents with small children (newborn-3) where the service is livestreamed.


Nursery workers are provided during the sermon during certain months of the year (January, April, July, and October).



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